Friday, January 31, 2014

How to Get Your First 500 Twitter Followers

Twitter is one of the internet's newest social marketing crazes. Twitter is reshaping the way that people think about traditional marketing and is spawning a new generation of web 2.0 marketing gurus. One of the keys to marketing with Twitter is to gain a large targeted following. Learning how to get Twitter followers fast is easy if you have the right resources.
This article is for twitter users, beginners or advanced players and I guarantee that it will interest you in the way that you handle your twitter account. Don’t be shy, read it and get the know-how and the possibilities of what can happen if you take it a little bit seriously.
NB: Don’t forget to please check my video right here…
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First, here are some Twitter Following Limits You Should Know.
There are some Twitter following limits you should be aware of. Twitter limits the number of people that you can follow in an attempt to reduce the spamming activity that is prevalent on Twitter. Currently I have a little over 10 followers but have hit some limits along the way. I am going for 500 followers so pay attention all you twitterholics and do as I do.From there I will go for the 10,000 Mark so keep close.Once you reach 500 followers Twitter will put a hold on your following activities and will make your followers catch up to the 500 mark. Once you catch up and now have 500 followers per 500 people that you follow, you will now have the 10% rule applied. The 10% rule will only allow you to follow 10% more people than are currently following you. You have to build your account by these rules but there are some strategies to lessen the time that it would naturally take for your followers to grow.
NB: Don’t forget to please check my video right here…
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How to get Twitter Followers Fast - Getting Targeted Followers
Targeted followers are the key with Twitter marketing. The more people that you have on your Twitter account that are interested in the products or services that you are marketing, the more success you will have. One of the best ways to do this is to search for people that are Tweeting about the Niche that you are in. Once you find a handful of people that are tweeting about your topics, check out their bios to see if they are in your niche. If they are, look at their followers and simply follow all of those people. A lot of people now have auto followers that will automatically follow you back but to really get Twitter followers fast you will have to unfollow the people that do not follow you back. I usually give them about 3 days to follow and then I will unfollow them using a free website called Twitter Karma. Just Google it and you will find it. Regularly doing this will allow you to keep adding followers with out stalling out by the 10% rule.
NB: Don’t forget to please check my video right here…
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How to Get Your First 500 Twitter Followers
1.Be an active User
-Build your profile, bio and start tweeting educational, entertaining and /or behind the scenes information. You must give people a reason to follow you.
2.Follow People First
-One of the easiest ways to get followers is to follow the people you want to follow you first.
Many people check who follows them and incase you have an interesting and relevant profile a large percentage will follow you back.
3.Engage and interact
-Start @replying people with relevant conversations. Look at this as Networking. Say hello, join the conversation, show your expertise and build connections. People you tweet with will become familiar with you and will check your profile, website and will follow you.
4.Search to get in touch
-Use Twitter search and look up people tweeting about topics relevant to you. Engage them.
5. Rush your Profile to your existing audience
-Post your Twitter link on your blog, send it out to your mailing list including the link in your other social media profiles.
6.Let people mention you
-Allow your readers to spread the word  about your articles by including tweet buttons on your blog posts. Make sure to attach your user twitter name to the automated tweet so everytime someone retweets one of your articles they mention you as well.
7.Piggyback on Hashtags and Trending topics
Drip drip drip to 500 Twitter followers. Reaching 500 Twitter followers is not easy. It takes time and effort. Spend time on twitter, work proactively and consistently on getting new followers and you will slowly get there.
8.Be a Curator
-Add value to your followers by tweeting about what’s going on in your field.  Link to articles about news and new findings within your field.
9. Be smart and funny
-A quote, an interesting fact or a little joke go a long way
10. Add images to your tweets
-Twitter timeline is very visual. It previews pictures from tweets. Tweets with images are more prominent and have a better chance of getting more retweets, favorites and clicks than tweets without images. Use images in your tweets to grab the attention of your followers and tell better stories.Image size is 438x220px and landscape mode works best.
11.Ask for an RP(Please Retweet)
-Don’t be shy to ask for a retweet. You will be amazed at the response you’ll get.
12.Add Twitter Cards
-Twitter cards make your links more prominent and give your twitter profile more exposure as they add thumbnail, headline , description and author information to all your links and display them within Twitter timeline. Use a plugin like Wordpres SEO to help you add the metatags to your site and then use Card Validator to verify your site. Alternatively use JM Twitter cardsto simplify this process.
NB: Don’t forget to please check my video right here…
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13.Tweet your Articles
- Announce your latest post in a tweet with a tool such as Hootsuite. Do not only tweet your latest posts.Tweet some of your older posts and introduce the audience to some of your older but still relevant and useful information.
14.Push your profile to your existing audience
-Simple Social Icons Plugin
15.Include share buttons
-Make sure to attach your twitter username  to the automated tweet so everytime someone retweets one of your articles, they mention you as well. This is just one of the many plugins that can help you do this.
16. Tweet often
-Always tweet once a while and repeat tweets
17.Use Data
-Twitter analytics helps you track how many clicks your tweets get. Use this data to know what works best and reuse.
-Follow these simple rules and you will see how much your followers grow on twitter. Lets follow the leader.
NB: Don’t forget to please check my video right here…
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